1 min read

More globe-trotting with coffee, Central and South America.

It may have started in Africa but this side of the Atlantic has done fairly well in coffee production.

The go-to taste of coffee is actually Central or South American. It is the coffee we are all the most familiar with. These beans are known for an even balance and flavor.

Brazil is the Numero Uno coffee bean producer in the WORLD! Colombia is also in the top five. But there are sooooooo many other countries in the region that give us a fine cup of coffee. Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru are just a few of the delicious and varied coffees to try.

If you are new to small batch, freshly roasted coffee you should start with
one from The Americas. You won’t go wrong. Try our Nicaraguan with chocolaty undertones or the maple-like sweetness of our Honduras. And let’s not even discuss the beauty of our Mexican Chiapas!!!

Want BOLD? We got it! with our perfectly roasted Colombian. Dark with beautiful oils, a fantastic cup of coffee.

These coffees always make the perfect gift and you are guaranteed satisfaction for the recipient with unknown taste if you make it a coffee from The Americas. The Front Porch has so many coffees from this area. Check out the website or if you are around come into one of the shops. We usually serve something from The Americas everyday.

Spend some Halloween time with us. We are very fun.
(Okay, also odd, awkward and weird BUT delightful too)
(We also crush it with drinks and service)
(Self dialogue and love are very important)

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