1 min read

A Pause in our Travels!

Although there is one more important coffee growing region to discuss there are two things more timely to talk about. Veterans Day is the first.

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 the warring powers of World War I signed an agreement to cease hostilities. It was called Armistice Day, a day dedicated to world peace.

After World War II it became Veterans Day to celebrate all veterans not just those from the first World War. Please remember, on Friday, November 11th, to thank those who were in service to our country.

Our proud veterans often wear clothing that indicates which branch of the armed forces they were in, where they fought and they may also wear the ribbons and awards they were given. Recognition of their sacrifice is the least each of us can do.

Secondly and somewhat pertaining to our travels…. The 2022 Holiday Blend is ready!!! Ricco, our roaster, has created a beautifully balanced blend of coffees from the three major growing areas. Not an easy task!

For clarification, our Holiday Blend has NO flavors added. It is a new blend we create every year to celebrate coffee, creativity and all of you.

It is available on-line now or you can get a cup every Friday and Saturday at any of our locations.



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