2 min read

A Holiday Story...

This happened today at the Front Porch in Kill Devil Hills.

A customer came in to get some holiday shopping coffee (a brilliant move). She said she was taking her six year old to go buy a toy for our “Toys for Tots” box. About an hour and a half later in they come with not one or two but four awesome toys and she had her son drop them in the box. It was lovely.

The time to help others is now. Don’t wait. The organizations and groups trying to make everyone have a special holiday can’t do it alone and it is not done in a day.

Think of the 19th of December your deadline.

To help Toys for Tots bring an unwrapped, new toy to any of the Front Porch locations. The Salvation Army could use your help too ringing the bell. The money they raise helps local families in all types of emergencies and circumstances. It’s just 2 hours of your time to be a pat of helping so many. Make it a new family tradition or with friends or workmates.

Call Richard Stone 252-340-3517. The Salvation Army rings up to Dec.24 th .

The Outer Banks SPCA can always use help. They take all kinds of donations, food, blankets, towels, toys but it if want to feel good in a hurry just go to the website and hit the “Donate” button. This shelter does amazing work for the animals that come under their care.

Now, for those of you who don’t live here, do a bit of research. All three of the above organizations are doing work somewhere near you. Or find your own group to help out. So many times we hear that the holidays have become too “commercial”. So do something in your own way to change that.

Except, still buy coffee, that’s not commercial, it’s a necessity.


December 7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

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