2 min read

Back to Caffeine!

There is a lot of talk about lighter roasts having more caffeine. I am not sure how those stories got started but it is not an accurate statement.

Caffeine, like everything else in coffee-land depends upon more than one factor. Where the bean is from, how it is processed, yes, how it is roasted and how it is brewed. The most accurate way to know caffeine levels is to test the drink
but this is impractical on a daily basis. I often tell people: Want more caffeine? Drink more coffee! (Hilarious)

But here is a handy way to see the caffeine load of some basic drinks. These numbers are based on averages. An 8oz. cup of brewed coffee has between 70 and 140mg of caffeine so the average would be 95mg.

  1.5 oz 2oz 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz
Espresso 63mg 125mg
Brewed  95mg 155mg 190mg 259mg
Depth 220mg 315mg 385mg
Americano 155mg 188mg 250mg
Decaf 3mg 6mg


Espresso is espresso brewed coffee. Brewed is your average coffee maker. Depth is short for Depth Charge, our drink that is a cup of coffee with espresso shots in it. An Americano is espresso brewed shots with hot/cold water added
to dilute. Decaf is thrown in for perspective.

As you can see the Big Bang is the Depth Charge. Or add 2 shots of espresso to anything and double your caffeine load. Since it is next to impossible to tell how much caffeine there is without a test, choose your coffee for the flavor. Or get a home caffeine test and gets to testin’! (Hilarious too).

Happy sipping!

December 17 th Wright Brothers Day
(Go to the Monument this year to celebrate the First Flight!)


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