1 min read

First…an apology
To any and all readers of this blog, apologies for the unannounced skip last week.
The blogger ran off on adventures at the last minute and apparently only works from home not on the road. Haha

Now, let’s talk Fall!
Ahhhh, can everyone say “Pumpkin!” ?
Yes, pumpkin pie/spice is everywhere BUT it’s soooooo delicious. Front Porch has an awesome Fall menu, including our twist on a standard “The Salty Pun’kin”. We also have some delicious witches’ brew to try so you can get in the Hallowe’en spirit. Fall is a great time to re-group and re-connect after the whirlwind that is summer. Kids are settled in school, travel plans are done until the holiday season and we have a bit more time to say “hi” to our neighbors and friends. Maybe try to take a little time this week and take a friend or family member for a coffee. Treat them to a Fall flavor and to some shared time with you.
Our greatest gift is time we share with another.

National Get Funky Day October 5th
(youtube Parliament…P.Funk)
World Smile Day October 7th

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