2 min read

It is a sad, but common occurrence that coffee shop workers have a hard time drinking an entire coffee during their shifts.

We are surrounded by the beautiful elixir. There are gallons of it, hot, cold, even frozen all around us, yet some days a few sips is all we get. So many of us have the experience of glancing at our cups and knowing it is stone cold or a watery, melted down mess.

That is why on mornings I do not work, my coffee is so pleasurable to me. I begin to brew and happily anticipate all the leisurely sips I will take. I have two or three cups on those mornings and I sit and sip and enjoy. I enjoy hot fresh coffee. The entire cup. Then another, ahhhhhhh.

I may read, play with the cat, hang with a dog or play a game, but the main thing I always do is drink and savor my coffee and the time I am taking to do so.

You should consider this for yourself. I know we are all on schedules and need to go-go-go but take at least one or two days a week when you focus on the coffee and how lovely it is to enjoy that cup of fabulous flavor.

Or baby steps…take a few minutes, maybe a third of the cup to relax and remember why it is so tasty and enjoyable. Then go about your day.

We are in charge of taking time for ourselves. It doesn’t always have to be a long weekend, a me-night or a chunk of time. Just make it 15 or 20 minutes with your favorite coffee and you really will start your day out right.

In all the Front Porches we have plenty of seating and would love to have you hang with us for a while. Sip and people watch or just space out or be amazed at how great the staff is (super smiley face!).

Take some time for yourself or share some time with others and no matter what you do enjoy all the sips of your coffee.

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