1 min read

Spring is sprung,

The grass is riz,

Where is warm weather?

This “poem” is appropriate for any minute on the Outer Banks!

But with the weather teasers we have been getting, there is the itch to do some planting and a little garden cleanup.

Locally, the East Albemarle Regional Library System has expanded and now has started a seed library!

Go to DareCountyLibrarySeedLibrary and learn how you can get plant seeds for FREE!!!

This is a wonderful new program that should be supported. It’s a win, win. You get to grow fun new things in your garden, help our area hence the planet, and when things “go to seed” you help replenish the library.


They also have a lot of books and information available on gardening if you are a novice or an experienced gardener who wants to… branch out, (sooooo hilarious).

Front Porch Café is working with them in this great project and our KDH and Manteo stores have coffee grinds available for composting.

Coffee grinds are great for acid loving plants, like camellias, hydrangeas and gardenias.

So, help make the planet better by putting plants in it/on it!

April 14       National Gardening Day!

and              National Dolphin Day

and              National Look Up at the Sky Day

Get busy and have some fun this week!

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