1 min read

Take some time for yourself.

We are all so busy and always “behind”, “late”, in a rush. Let's take a little time each day to savor the moment. Oh yeah, I mean coffee. One day this week or every day this week, take the time with that first cup of coffee. Even if it means getting up a little bit earlier or cutting the run a little bit shorter, do it. Take a moment, you and your coffee, to enjoy a few minutes of life. Although it is full of caffeine, the sipping of a cup can be a relaxing and tranquil time. Later you'll be wired, hahaha!

The world won't end if you take a little bit of time for yourself. Beginning your day gathering your thoughts or letting your mind wander is a wonderful and healthy start. The important thing is to un-hitch yourself from the whirlwind that is life, put your phone AWAY and sip happily. Probably less than half an hour and it will put a new spring in your step, a smile on your face and then you can set forth to enjoy the day. Whatever it holds in store. Cheers! Here's to dark, medium & light roasts! Here's to single origins and blends! Here's to black or sweet and creamy!

YAY YOU! Enjoy your time.

Aug. 9th Book Lover's Day
Aug. 10th National Lazy Day
Aug. 12th Vinyl Record Day
Aug.13th Perseid Meteor Shower Peak (but go check it out any night now)

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