1 min read

Family…Front Porch Style!

If the Front Porch staff is the ‘family of origin’ and our visitors are
our out-of-state cousins and our locals are our brothers and sisters
from another mother and father..(you following this so far?). Then
our regulars are….indescribable, hahaha!
In truth they are great!

They are certainly part of the family. They come everyday. They
have been known to help us clean up a mess, brew coffee and fill
the half and half.
They can be a sympathetic shoulder, they keep an eye out for us
and let us know what might be going on that is out of our field of

They are so prevalent and important to us that if they don’t show
up we worry and so do the other regulars!
We are an easy family to be a part of and happy when we grow.
Join us anytime, for any amount of time and we are sure all of us
will be the better for it.
So here’s to our ‘family”.

In ours not a drop of blood is shared but love runs through us all.

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