1 min read

Left or Wright?

Yesterday was National Left-hander’s Day…we’re great
people…but let’s talk Wright.

Orville and Wilbur of course!

One of the most unique features on our tiny spit of land is that this
is where the Wright brothers’ first powered flight took place.

On December 17th,1903 history was made on the hill you have
probably driven past a hundred times.

If you have never visited the Wright Brothers National Monument
what are you waiting for?

Pilots all love to fly by or touch down at the Monument. It is a nod
of respect and a happy ritual for those who fly.

Visiting the site you can walk the path of that famous flight or
climb the hill to the monument and get beautiful views of the sea
and the sound. (Yeah, we really are on very little land).

National Aviation Day, August 19th

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