1 min read

See the light…houses, we have plenty!

Currituck Beach, Bodie, Cape Hatteras and Ocracoke Lighthouses
are all a day trip when you are on the Outer Banks.

Currituck Beach lighthouse was the last one built on the Outer
Banks in 1875. At 162 feet and with 220 steps it’s the second
tallest of the four.

Bodie (pronounced “body”), completed in 1872 at 156 feet and
214 steps. It’s on the north side of Oregon Inlet.

Though the Massachusetts has the oldest and Michigan has the
most, North Carolina can boast the tallest, Cape Hatteras at 198
feet! (257 steps to climb).

It also has bragging rights of being MOVED! In 1999 they moved
it 2900 feet in 23 days to its original distance from the shore (1500

Ocracoke is the oldest of the four, built in 1823 and also the
shortest at 75 feet. It is also the only one of the four that is not
opened to climbing.

So come grab some Front Porch coffee, a bag of snacks and head
out to visit one of our wonderful lighthouses. Make sure you climb
one, the views from the top are beautiful.

National Lighthouse Day, August 7th

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