Ahhhhhh…the first sip of morning coffee.


There is nothing like it. Even when we are in a rush, we all take the time to have that first sip.

Delicious. Comforting. Restorative.


For some, the second sip is the all important one. The first one being taken automatically, like a survival technique. The second confirming “I am  okay…there is coffee.”

 Or the second sip is needed to create the perfect cup. Enough sugar? Milk? The right shade? Ahhh…yes.


We must remember to take time to savor the other sips from our cup. Let each sip we take give us a few seconds of rest in a hectic world, tasting this beautiful beverage and having a small moment of joy.


Release the endorphins with each taste. (they are good to release, not like the Kraken). Continue through your day feeling good because you treated yourself soooo well with that one cup of coffee.

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