1 min read

Keepin’ it Real on Memorial Day

It’s coming up and many of us are thinking “the start of summer”, “a three-day weekend”, barbeques and some fun. Okay but…what is it really about. It is the official national day to honor and mourn those who have died while serving this country.

Traditionally flags are placed at the graves of soldiers. The decoration of the graves is why it was originally called Decoration Day. So, try not to say, “Happy Memorial Day” and try to find a way to acknowledge or incorporate the true meaning of the holiday this year in your plans.

It will also be a very traveled weekend and whether you are one of the many who will be off and having some fun or one of the people working to supply some fun, practice patience and be kind.

Please be careful while driving and be responsible in your actions. But foremost remember those who are no longer with us because they chose to serve our country first rather than themselves. Be safe.

May 24th Scavenger Hunt Day
May 26th Paper Airplane Day
May 29th Memorial Day

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