1 min read

National Kite Flying Day!!!

Okay, it is actually February 8th but it is usually cold here… and 60% of the country so we are just going to talk about the best place to fly a kite… Jockey’s Ridge State Park. 

Jockey’s Ridge is the largest living sand dune system on the Atlantic coast. It is constantly shifting and changing due to the winds we have in our area constantly and of course major blows like Nor’easters or hurricanes. It is VERY popular with hang gliders and there are lessons given if you are of the mind to soar over our little strip of land. It is a great experience to hike the dunes, doing it is almost other-worldly. The back side of Jockey’s Ridge is on the sound and has a lovely beach and small wooded area to explore. The park is open daily and great for a family outing or to just get away on your own.

So come get a coffee to fuel you and go drive over there for fun and poke around.

For more info check out: Jockey's Ridge State Park Website.   

May 16th Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day(Don’t be shy, go do it!)
May 20th World Bee Day (We need to do something nice for these tiny neighbors every day!) 

Educational Bee Info Here! 

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