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Grinds are Grrrrrreat!

In Plogs (previous blogs), the importance of the correct grind for making coffee has been discussed. But grinds are still wonderful even after supplying us with that awesome cup of coffee.

We can do a few things with those grinds after brewing. If you have a compost pile or composter throw them in, they make a great addition to mix. You can also put them directly around acid loving plants like gardenias, azaleas and hydrangeas. In this application you want to scatter the grinds around the drip line of the plant, just as you would fertilizer. Even if you only container garden, you can add them to the soil in the pot.

Some people may not have green thumbs or a garden but there is probably in your area a group of gardeners who would love to put to use your grinds. The Front Porch dumps ours in a 5-gal bucket that is lined with a plastic bag and the local Master Gardeners pick them up. We supply them with a lot of grinds and they make beautiful compost with them.

If you want to be a bit more ambitious you can use them as an exfoliant! They can be mixed with a little water or coconut oil (the new “thang”) and voila, a scrub-a-dub-dub! There are probably a billion other ideas on the weber-net but these will get you started to a greener world or a smoother you.

May 30th Creativity Day
May 31st Smile Day
June 1st Say Something Nice Day
June 4th Full Moon! (a.k.a. the Strawberry, Rose or Honey Moon)

1 Response


August 08, 2023

Excellent tips! I use your grinds everywhere!❤️

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