1 min read

Let’s talk about…YOU!!! Yes, YOU!!!! Our customer!

We love you and are so appreciative of you. Thank you! Thanks for choosing Front Porch Café for your coffee, tea and snackaroo needs. Thank you for shopping with us for fun gifts or for yourself. We would be nothing if it weren’t for you and we know this. The Front Porch Café has always kept in the forefront to have a great product and to treat our customers well. The way we measure our success is how many of you come back each day, week, month and year. It is sooo wonderful how successful you have made us. And for all our differences we have found a common ground, (or grind, hahaha). It is great to see that Front Porch has such a great community of “family” and friends from all over and from all backgrounds.

So, thank you, again, for trying us out and coming back. Thanks for taking the extra time to come to a Front Porch Café rather then stop somewhere else. Thanks for ordering our coffee online rather than the billion other options! Thanks for letting us know we are meeting your needs and thanks for when you kindly tell us we are not! The best part of the day may be that first sip of a Front Porch coffee but it really it is the community created by those sips.

Thanks for making our day!

July 20 th Moon Day
July 24 th International Self Care Day

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