1 min read

The Truth about Cortados, Flat Whites and Espresso Macchiatos.

We see them on menus.
We hear them ordered and they sound mysterious and special.
We order them expecting one thing and getting another.

Here is your easy and helpful guide to these small gems.

In a world of super-sizing and 450 oz larges, it is refreshing to get such a beautiful experience in a little cup. Cortados and flat whites are actually baby lattes. The point of them is to have more of an espresso experience and less of a milk experience. They will be served in small cups. If we start with two shots of espresso (= 2ounces) then for a cortado you would add 2 ounces of steamed milk with veeeeery little foam. For a flat white 4 ounces of milk would be added, also minimally foamy, hence “flat”. A true espresso macchiato would be the espresso shots with a dollop of foam on top to “mark” (macchiato in Italian) the coffee. These drinks honor the espresso more than anything. Sure, they are gone before you know it (very sad) but they are a wonderful little pick-me-up and quick too!

The best thing to do when ordering one of these is to make it clear to your friendly, neighborhood barista what you want and how YOU want it made. More milk, more foam, more espresso! However you like it. Then enjoy the richness and delight in your small cup.

April 25th Library Workers Day (Take yours a treat)
April 26th National Audubon Day (we love birds!)
April 28th Arbor Day (we need trees!)

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