1 min read

Two for Tea and Tea is Two! True!

The fact (a real one) is that worldwide, water is the number one beverage consumed and tea is number two!

Yes, we love coffee (#3!!)  but let’s talk tea today.

We love tea at The Front Porch Café!

 We offer several kinds of teas. Black, green, white, rooibos and herbal. Hot, iced, all delicious and soooo beneficial to our health.

When you brew a cup of black, herbal or rooibos tea, boiling water is fine.

For green or white teas the water must be cooler. So take the kettle off the heat just before the boil and add some cool water to the bagged cup before adding the hot water.

 For iced tea, reduce water amount by half, at least. Let steep for several minutes and pour over ice. OR brew full strength and then cool in the fridge overnight.

If you are new to tea, come join the billions (true!) who make it their beverage of choice and explore a fun new world.


 May 21st  International Tea Day

May 23rd Victoria Day (Canada)…have more tea!

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